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SE Stories from the Ground
Conference Overview | SE Stories from the Ground: Responding to the War in Ukraine and Beyond On February 15th, 2023, SEUTF sponsored the conference “SE stories from the ground: responding to the war in Ukraine and beyond” happened. We were so happy to have such amazing speakers and SE community members sharing their experiences and exchanging knowledge and ideas for …
The Gingerbread Person: A Therapeutic Tool for Children With Maggie Kline
The Gingerbread Person: A Therapeutic Tool for Children With Maggie Kline Learn a simple, yet effective, tool to help children describe sensations and feelings when they are in distress. This tool can help children learn to express themselves in a safe and meaningful way and help them find safety in the moment. In this 45-minute tutorial video, Maggie takes you …
Webinar with Liane Pinto, Caring for Myself and Others in Times of Extended Crisis (multiple languages)
English Czech Portuguese German Hungarian Italian Polish Romanian Spanish Ukrainian
GRAPHIC NOVEL “I CAN” from Imke Hansen
We appreciate the amazing Graphic Novel about the SE approach made by Imke Hansen. You are very welcome to share with all they need it. Graphic-Novel-I-can-Ukrainian Graphic-Novel-I-can-Russian Graphic-Novel-I-can-English
Telehelp Ukraine is seeking volunteers!
Are you a licensed MD, Psychologist or Social Worker? TELEHELP UKRAINE is seeking volunteer MDs, Psychologists, and Social Workers to provide telemedicine appointments for Ukrainians affected by the war. Watch this Session, which focused on recruiting providers within the SE community. Telehelp Ukraine is a new telemedicine initiative that was started by students of Stanford University in April 2022. Learn …
Alé Duarte Webinar (video) – ENG, UKR, RUS, PL, IT, HU, GER, CZ
Schools In Tune: Group Self-Regulation Processes for Returning to School Amidst Extreme Uncertainty, Facilitated by Alé Duarte As this new school year begins with uncertainty for many affected by the war in Ukraine and beyond, learn how to assess and respond to group energetic thresholds to avoid overwhelm and regain group coherence in our classrooms and homes. This free webinar …
Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Abi Blakeslee – The Threat of War and Somatic Rebalancing (video hosted by Amie Leigh)
Dr. Stephen Porges, the author of the Polyvagal Theory – Interview with SE Ukraine Task Force (video)
ENG Restoring feelings of safety and stability Sonia Gomes & Stephen Porges (video)
In the very first week of the war in Ukraine & crisis in Europe, seeing the need and deciding to be part of the solution as soon as possible, our Senior International Trainer Sonia Gomes & Polish Organizer Marta Ułaszewska-Żuk have collaborated in creating an educative video that can help you to find a little more ease and more regulation …